Tuesday, August 2, 2011

meagre offerings.

These last few months have been pretty non-productive but none the less enjoyable. I have been out on a number of occasions, including a trip to Kimmeridge and still caught very few fish, sometimes none, hence the lack of blog entries. Nothing to shout about.
Today hasn't been that much better, I caught a few barbie size bream, a solitary mackerel and a bass. It was a beautiful day from the start, an hours bait digging, back home for breakfast and then launching from my local beach, Lepe.  I moved around a bit but wherever I anchored I was plagued with weed which was a real nuisance along with the strong tide.
I observed some strange garfish behaviour whilst sitting at anchor waiting for a fish. A banana skin floating seemed to hold some attraction to a couple of garfish. They were literally jumping over it as it drifted in the tide. I should have taken a photo. The last time I saw this happen was at the mouth of Beaulieu river when I saw one jumping over a large chunk of seaweed. Can anyone shed any light on this strange behaviour?

Beaulieu River
Kimmeridge Wrasse


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Special day.

Today for most people,  was like any other Tuesday in April except a good deal warmer. For me it was special. I got up this morning in a rather relaxed state of mind, the weather was perfect for fishing but, well, there weren't any buts, I was going fishing and there was nothing that was going to stop me. You see today, I am a free man. I have officially retired from Exxon and it was a long time coming. So halle bloody lujah and may the pension fund stay healthy.
 It was encouraging to see that the Mackerel are in at Lepe, the earliest I've seen them in years. I also caught a  Bass but not keeper. So not a great day in terms of fish caught but a beautiful day, sitting in the sun, watching the world go by and counting my blessings. It's a good life.
A free man

Free man with a tiddler.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lymington Mullet

It has been a long time since Tim and I went out on the Kayaks for a days fishing but it was worth the wait.
We set off early in time to get some bait at Lepe and then a couple of nice crusty loafs from the bakery on the way to Lymington. The plan was to get some worms for the odd flounder or bass that might make an appearance and some bread for the mullet that were the target species of the day.
This mullet fishing is quite new to me so I was more than happy to follow Tim's lead, he being quite an experienced Mullet man. He set up a couple of light rods with 10lb line with floats and small hooks.
We launched from the yacht club and paddled up the river and under the railway bridge. It was a slow start to the day with just one small bass being caught in the first few hours. The mullet were there in large numbers but didn't want to take the bait at first. Then Tim got one followed by another a few minutes later. I missed a couple of bites and failed to hook into any mullet but seeing the way Tim's fought I am keen to give it a try another day. A great day in spite of my lack of fish.

Mullet action

Tim and one of his Mullet

Pleased with himself I think.

End of day.